Dr. Incledon is a sports scientist trusted by more coaches and athletes than any other single person in the world.
Since 1989, Dr. Thomas Incledon has maintained a significant role in the fields of human health and sports performance enhancement. He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Causenta Wellness, (former Human Performance Specialists, Inc. and Human Health Specialists) where he helps individuals from all walks of life improve their health, quality of life, and athletic performance. He also advises some of the world’s most popular dietary supplement and nutraceutical companies on effective formulations.
Tom’s academic background includes an A.S. in Management, B.S. in Exercise Science, B.S. in Nutrition, M.S. in Kinesiology, and Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology. He is a homeopathic medical assistant (HMA), registered dietitian (RD), certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), and plans to pursue a medical or naturopathic doctor license in the future. His research has covered weight loss, weight gain, sports performance enhancement, and the physiological effects of diet and exercise. He is a member in over 30 different scientific organizations and serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.
As a person who practices what he preaches, Tom is not one to be satisfied with all work and no play. His passion is competing in various weight lifting events, and he has been ranked nationally in powerlifting, Olympic lifting, all around lifting, and strongman competitions. His best lifts include: 187 pounds in the one arm snatch (using a 7′ barbell), 286 pounds in the power snatch, 352 pounds in the power clean and jerk, 452 pounds in the front squat, and 615 pounds in the dead lift, all at under 200 pounds of body weight. Tom has also set national records in strongman competitions, including 19 reps in the 200-pound axle press.
about Causenta wellness
Causenta Wellness is a medical office in Scottsdale, AZ that combines principles of Eastern and Western medicine to create the best possible treatments. We utilize comprehensive testing procedures to find and treat the sources of disease, not just the symptoms, and we pinpoint biochemical and physiological barriers in your body that are the cause of poor health and poor performance. Some of the therapies we use include:
Complementary and alternative medicine treatments like acupuncture, dietary supplements, and individualized diets
Naturopathic treatments like prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP)
Homeopathic preparations
Exercise and corrective training to loss fat, reduce chronic pain, and enhance treatment and recovery times
Allopathic treatments like therapeutic ultrasound and prescription drugs (when appropriate)
Our clients range from terminally ill patients to ambitious business executives, from kids and teens to baby boomers, and from weekend warriors to World Champion athletes. We have experience with a wide variety of illnesses ranging from the common cold to chronic fatigue to cancer. We expose our patients to a level of care that does not exist anywhere else in the world. With your input, we will develop a comprehensive treatment package that fits your needs, treats your issues, and optimizes your health.